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Welcome to National Healthcare Ed's Training Dashboard

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Course Description

[Available in English and Spanish]

Training for ALL Contractor Team Members

This is the basic introductory course all contractor employees need to learn about all of the unique aspects of working in a hospital’s physical environment. Included are important acronyms like:

  • PCRA [Pre-Construction Risk Assessment]. The PCRA is the blueprint for every construction, renovation, and maintenance project.
  • ICRA [Infection Control Risk Assessment]. ICRA is one of the seven elements of PCRAs and the most unique for hospital work projects. Part of the ICRA is a matrix that calculates the degree of precautions that must be used to protect patients.
  • HAIs [Healthcare Associated Infections]. HAIs are a major issue in all healthcare facilities.
  • ILSM [Interim Life Safety Measures]. Another element of PCRA,  the ILSM sets out the steps to be taken to make sure halls and doors are not blocked, fire and smoke barriers are not breached, and disengaged utilities are put back in working order at the end of a work shift, and much more.
  • HCAHPS [Healthcare Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems]. This is a Survey associated with Obama Care, in which Hospitals are paid for performance. Two of the eleven elements can be directly impacted by contractor employees….Healthcare Facilities Cleanliness and Quietness.
  • HIPAA [Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act]. Basically, this is the Federal Standard that spells out patients’ right to privacy.

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Course Description

[Available in English and Spanish]

Training for ALL Contractor Team Members

This is an OSHA Standard that was originally established for healthcare facilities to help protect their staff. Now the Standard has been expanded to include any company, with 10 or more employees, that regularly works in healthcare facilities. The course addresses such important things as Incident Exposure Reporting, Universal Precautions and Needle Sticks. As with the What’s Different course, hospitals expect all contractor employees to have completed training on these topics.

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Course Description

For Supervisors

Supervisor Training: English Only

Part One:

This part teaches particulars about hospital Security and Safety rules that contractor employees need to understand. Such things as procedures to follow when given keys or access cards to secure areas, never storing hazardous or combustible materials in a hospital, always properly all containers of chemicals, etc.

Part Two:

This portion teaches contractor Supervisors the proper way to conduct business in hospitals….things like Proper Construction and Maintenance of Negative Pressure Dust Containments, what electrical outlets are only to be used for clinical equipment, compartmentation to control fire and smoke in a hospital, precautions to take regarding securing hand tools, use of tacky mats to control the spread of dust cart wheels and workers’ shoes, and much more.

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After Enrolling, the payment page has an option for you to enter the code.